DNA Nanotechnology
DNA Nanotechnology is a novel branch of biomedical engineering which focuses on objects like DNA nanocages and hydrogels. These structures have uses for chemotherapy, regenerative medicine, and early detection/treatment of chronic illnesses. The ability to encapsulate drugs within DNA nanostructures gives them the potential to provide targeted therapeutics, reducing side effects of commonly administered medications.
DNA Hydrogels and Dendrimers
Our lab constructs DNA nanocages in a variety of shapes, focusing primarily on the novel tetrahedral DNA structures. Synthesis methods include one-pot synthesis, modular assembly, and hierarchical self-assembly. In addition, QnanoSol has focused recently on the 3D printing of biocompatible DNA hydrogels and their applications, especially hydrogels derived from plant materials.
Nanocage Drug Delivery
After synthesis, DNA nanocages can be loaded with commercially available medicines for therapeutics ranging from cancer to neurodegenerative diseases. These vehicles can then be used for passive or active targeting and subsequent delivery in vivo, reducing side effects and increasing the proportion of drug which makes it to the intended delivery site.
Regenerative Medicine
DNA nanocages have been applied in wound care, promoting cell migration and possessing antibacterial properties. The improved stability and compatibility of tetrahedral DNA nanocages makes them an especially important area of focus.
DNA/Organic based MXenes
MXenes are two dimensional nanomaterials constructed of interwoven layers of early transition metals and carbon/nitrogen, with applications in medicine, optics, and electronics. When constructed with DNA or organic compounds, these novel materials possess superior biocompatibility and exhibit enhanced optic characteristics.